Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bob Rae, Capitalist Tool

We've all heard the saying, "If you're not a socialist when you're young, you have no heart. If you're a socialist when you're old, you have no brain." Bob Rae may make himself look brainless with his comparison of the softwood lumber agreement to the Munich Pact, but old Bob is quite shrewd in his latest political incantation.
Like Buzz Hargrove, Rae has decided to abandon the lowly working class stiffs in order to suck up to the power elites. Deciding vanity and ego are more important than principles, Rae is hoping to hop into bed with the kind of people who can-he hopes-make him Prime Minister.
When Conrad Black raided the pension fund of the workers at his Dominion grocery store chain, helping himself to the pension plan surplus, the workers went to court. The judge in the case ruled in favour of the workers and Black had to return the funds. When Paul Martin raided the pension plan surplus of the unionized workers at the Voyageur busline, which Martin owned at the time, the workers went to the government to complain. The government official-appointed to his job by Martin-ruled in Martin's favour. Apparently Liberals believe court rulings can be trusted only when the courts don't interfere with the rights of Liberal multi-millionare politicians. Rae is joining Hargrove in this class privilege warfare.
When China was building the internationally condemned, enviromentally disasterous Three Gorges Dam, Terence Corcoron wrote in the Report on Business that the Chretien Liberal government was putting up a one billion dollar loan guarantee to help the project. Why? Because the Desmarais family-owned Power Corp was involved in the mega-project.
The Kyoto Accord was designed in part by Maurice Strong, who is connected to Power Corp. Under the terms of Kyoto, if Canada can't meet it's impossible conditions to reduce greenhouse gases, Canada must send billions to developing countries. Those billions would help build...dams for hydro electricity. And who would benefit from that? John Rae, Chretien's organizer, Power Corp employee and brother of Bob has decided that the person to move Canada away from a made-in-Canada solution to greenhouse gas reduction and back to one that would benefit Power Corp is none other than Bob. Who would suspect a socialist wrapping himself up in the Green flag of being a capitalist tool?
The Liberals have a neat trick of calling themselves "progressive" while funnelling the money meant for health care into the bank accounts of businesses owned by the Martin or Desmarais families. A tradition Bob Rae is proud to carry on.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Why The Liberals Will Not Win The Next Election

With the Liberal leadrship campaign being flooded with a score of hopefuls, many in the Liberal Party are believing that the Liberals will bounce back and achieve power in the next election. This will not happen for the following reasons:
1) There is another scandal that may hit the Liberal Party. It is not a corruption scandal, but it is based on the behaviour of one of the sitting Liberal MP's. The fact that this MP was not eased out before the last elction, freeing up a riding for Michael Ignatieff, shows that the Liberal party is unaware of what may surface.
2) The Liberals are dead in Quebec.
3) The Liberals will likely lose several seats in the Maritimes as more traditional PC voters move to the Conservative Party.
4) Sitting members are likely to be re-elected, which is what helped so many Liberals hang on in the last election. Former Liberal cabinent ministers like Jean LaPierre, Ralph Goodale and Andy Scott are not likely to hang around in Opposition, making their seats more winnable for other parties.
5) The Conservatives can flood the media with stories about Liberal fraud, corruption etc. regarding the missing money from the Canadian Space Agency, Adscam, the gun registry, polling expenses and on and on.
6) With a census being done in May 2006, and with Harper's commitment to seeing the West having more representation, Alberta and BC will be given more seats in the House of Commons, seats that are out of reach for the Liberals.
7) The Liberal party will be divided after the leadership race, and Liberal finances will be in poor shape.
8) Forty per cent of the people who voted Liberal in the last election are happy with the Harper government. When voters figure out the Liberals were lying about how "scary" Stephen Harper is, they will know the Liberals were terrified of having someone else have access to the government books and seeing where the money went.
9) The Liberal practice of not speaking more than 10 seconds without mentioning America or George Bush indicates how intellectually bankrupt the party is. (Hello Steve MacKinnon)
10) The NDP is the real alternative to the Conservatives in Western Canada, and they will grow. The NDP also has a chance to nab Liberal ridings with star candidates, such as former NB NDP leader Elizabeth Weir in Saint John or a strong candidate in Toronto Centre.